This picture is probably 10 years old. It's from a time when my yoga practice was consistent and honest. The necklace I'm wearing says "may all beings be free." I was so young, but I felt more like me than I do now. Today I went to yoga for the first time this year....
A rebuttal to Scary Mommy
Earlier this week I saw this post fromĀ @scarymommy. It hit home right away... especially that part about the kitchen (if you are a mom, you get that). I posted it to my personal Instagram, sent it to friends and read it over and over and just felt it couldn't have...
Letting the Emotion be
Today, emotion hit me like no other day. It doesn't quite make sense, and it couldn't rationalize it, but the entire day I was tired, slow, and off. I didn't feel ready or about to cry, but I completely popped about 15 minutes ago. I don't think it's Valentine's Day...
2019 Re-Do
It's Monday, and I am already stressed about Wednesday. I am feeling guilt about not starting off 2019 with new daily rituals. I already took 6 trips back and forth to the laundry room - and it's only 11:16am. I am anxious and I don't know why. I have had 3 arguments...
I Hate Christmas
This is going to be an unpopular post. Some of you may not understand. More of you will judge me. But I know this will resonate with others. I hate Christmas. The End. Just Kidding. Disclaimer: if you LOVE Christmas, if the Holidays is your time to shine, if you play...
Universal Lessons
Ever since I was a teenager the universe has taught me lessons through money. I've never really had money. As a 19 year old living in Manhattan, every penny counted and every time I lost or had to spend a large amount of money on school, or rent, I felt it. I never...
Today, I meditated in the bathroom.
This is where I chose to meditate this morning. The running water made it feel quiet enough, and safe enough, to sit on the floor in my sweaty workout clothes, press my back up against the tub and turn on Headspace. Up until 5 years ago I had a very deliberate...
You Have to Own Your Part
Today I was on the phone with a client discussing a difficult conversation. We were deep into the weeds of the story and corresponding emotion when I asked the question, "okay, so what can you own in this?" "What can I own?!" she asked, "he was an asshole to ME!" "I...
Why are we only calm in times of crisis?
I often find that I am different after a crisis. I slow down, reflect, take a big step back and remind myself of what's really important. I act as if each moment matters. I am grateful. I ask for help. I live life instead of letting it live me. All of the other hours...
10 Things To Change Right Now
This weekend I was skimming through podcasts looking for my next inspiration and came across a list of things to start in 2017. I clicked on it and started listening along, jotting down a few things to think more about when the podcast ended. About halfway through I...