“And tell the cops what? That he didn’t hit me?”

Watching MAID felt like watching a mirror into my life. It was cathartic, humanizing and depressing. Reflecting back, I didn't even really know I had been caught in a cycle of abuse until a few months after - I just knew that it FELT like my upbringing. I didn't even...

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I wanted to add one thing that didn't make it to my last post. LISTEN, please listen to people when they talk to you about their struggles. I am not going to say "especially a mom" because all people and their struggles matter. If someone says "I am not okay," believe...

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Let’s stop talking about self love

I hate the rhetoric on self love. I hate the narrative of you have to love yourself before you can have anything or do anything or heal anything...Children, like me, who grew up in a home where it was normal for a parent to tell you what you think or what...

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I hate the rhetoric on self love.

I hate the rhetoric on self love. I hate the narrative of you have to love yourself before you can have anything or do anything or heal anything... Children, like me, who grew up in a home where it was normal for a parent to tell you what you think or what you...

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There aren't many pictures of my daughter and I from 2018 - 2020.  Most of them are of just her. I was too tired, too disheveled, too stressed to even want to look at myself.This weekend I binged Maid (Netflix) and had a very cathartic experience owning my...

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10 years ago I had to learn how to un-shallow myself.

10 years ago I had to learn how to un-shallow myself. At that time, I was obsessed with my ex and could not stop thinking about his giant arms and perfect face, months after we broke up. I day dreamed about it and missed the shit out of the version of him I created in...

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World Mental Health Day

I've always felt every day should be World Mental Health Day.Earlier this year I was really struggling. The pandemic winter felt long, and hard, and the isolation really got to me. I felt like I kept walking into walls. There were a lot of other personal...

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Why I Do What I Do

Yesterday someone asked me why I am a Life Coach. The immediate response was: because I don't want any woman to ever feel alone. I was surprised that that was my first answer, but it was the most authentic answer I could have given.Life coaching is the...

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No on gets to tell you how to heal…

I am growing so tired of hearing from clients and prospective clients that they've been told to do something. Or one way they are told to think about moving on. One way they should heal. What they need to do. What they don't need to do. What to think. How...

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Being a single mom is a choice.

Being a single mom is a choice.There are many times it doesn't feel like one...but being a single mom is a choice. I wake up every day and choose to take care of this one. I choose to love her. I choose to put her before myself. I choose to meet her with...

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