What is a Narcissistic Projection?

Narcissists hold onto a lot of resentment and hatred toward those who stand up for themselves and use healthy boundaries. A narcissist feels entitled to say and do what they wish, and entitled and disrespect and hurt anyone they see as a threat. They hate anyone who...

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A Narcissist Thinks Their Feelings are Fact

Narcissists think their feelings are facts. They like to think their feelings are facts - so whatever they feel anger, rage or whatever triggered them, they believe it is justified. So when they spread lies about you, often even to you, they convince themselves they...

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A Narcissist NEEDS Outside Help

A Narcissist NEEDS Outside Help -- this is a non negotiable. I tell my clients: don't trust it when a Narcissist (or abuser, or manipulator...) says they are working on themselves by themself. Think about this for a minute...their thinking got them there, how are they...

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Can my emotionally abusive partner change?

Many victims of narcissism, manipulation and abuse desperately want to know if their abusive partner can change. This is very normal. You are likely an empathetic person who would make changes if you were hurting someone you care about. This is not true for...

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I used to think I just liked assholes

My story used to sound like this (and if you've been a long time client of mine, you've likely heard it): "When I was in my 20's I took on the project of un-shallowing myself. I noticed I was going for the same kind of guy and getting the same result: an asshole with...

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Things are changing around here

Things are shifting around here 🤍. For the past 7 years I've been a Quarter Life Coach, who has coached (mostly) women on all aspects of life, mainly, figuring out who you are without the influence of others, deciding what the F you want (in work, relationships,...

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Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing

Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing. Let that one sit. You are not the victim to your own life (no matter what your head is telling you <3). Whatever you are not changing in some capacity (thoughts, actions, beliefs, limited beliefs, conversations,...

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Authenticity Hangover

Authenticity Hangover. I think I made this phrase up (but if I didn't please tell me who did so I can credit them). I define an "authenticity hangover" as the after effect of not being yourself. Have you ever woken up after a night out with friends or acquaintances,...

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It has nothing to do with you

How they treat you has nothing to do with how they actually feel about you. How they treat you is a reflection of how they feel about themselves. If they are confusing, they are confused. If they are emotionally unavailable, it's probably because they are. If their...

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