At the end each week, I typically reflect on a theme that seemed to come up continuously in my weekly coaching sessions. Even though today is only Tuesday, the overwhelming theme has been how we hold ourself accountable to the life that we want. There are many things that derail us – thoughts, patterns, plans, time, etc. and many ways to approach it, but the thing I want to focus on today is the small moments. The moments of the day that we write off as not important or in our comfort zone, when we have a choice to be or do something different.

Let me give you an example. I lived my entire 9-5 working life with one goal: to work from home and dress in “fitness casual” all day (read: yoga pants). I felt like once I achieved this goal, I MADE IT. But spoiler alert, it is not all that glamorous. 

For a long time, years in fact, I found myself dressed in the first two articles of clothing I could find, with my hair in a messy bun and not anounce of makeup or moisturizer on – wondering why I did not feel confident that day (#momlife). Each day would drag on and on and truthfully, I never felt like I woke up. That is not to say one can’t feel confident without makeup, a banging outfit and hair done – you (and I) totally can. It is to say that for me this habit over and over did not lead me to feeling better about myself OR even feel that there was a choice to be or feel different. It was the routine, the status quo. It was comfortable. It was unhelpful.

The more I decided to dig, the more I realized the other small moments of the day that I would consistently gloss over or stay in an unhealthy habit because it felt comfortable.

  • I’d wake up and dive into emails before making myself breakfast, drinking water, or make a to-do list
  • I tried to get all errands done ASAP early in the day (in a frantic way) instead of spacing them out throughout the day in a way they felt manageable
  • I spent time on Instagram to “decompress” rather than putting on the Webinar I have been wanting to listen to

In coaching this week, my clients have identified areas such as what they do commuting to work, how they handle their time once they get home, how they approach the weekend to-do’s, how they wake up in the morning and how they put an end to the day.

It all matters. And dissecting it matters. 

So ask yourself – what habits are you in (whether small or big) that leave a big impact on your day? What do you do that you are not proud of, but feel like you are on autopilot?

If you are ready to take charge of your life, book a free Mini Session with me. We will dive into this topic and have you on a new path before the end of the call! Just fill out a Clarity Session form here!