What if this was your time to rise?
To do the best job you can do?
To not make excuses?
To cross every to do off your list?
To make your apartment or home feel exactly the way you want it to?
To do all of the inner work on yourself you’ve always wanted to do?
To plan out all of the trips you want to take?
To create the business?
To find the solution?
To hire the coach?
To show up for the people you really care about?
And the people you’ve been neglecting?
To hike the mountains?
To start the fitness plan or wellness plan?
To figure it out, whatever you need to figure out?
What if your time was now? What if you had to show up now?
How would you use this time?
Throughout the past week alone, I’ve gone between feeling totally fine, present and accepting in one moment…to pure panic and worry about what the trajectory of life looks like. What will “normal” look like after COVID-19? We don’t know. We don’t really know anything right now.
But I keep coming back to the same thought – what if I really chose how I spent this time? What would that actually look like? What would I do? What would I do if anxiety didn’t take over? Who would it be with? What would I accomplish? What long to do list would I finally begin to chip away at? How can the pandemic actually help me show up more to my life, instead of taking me away from it? . .
Even with waves of panic and anxiety, we can begin to carve out space for possibility and hope – that this time can actually serve us. We can serve others. We can show up in ways we never had before. We can care for ourselves in ways we never had before. . .
We can get to know ourselves in ways we were likely afraid of. . .
Choosing this perspective doesn’t take away from the fact that things are scary. That people are dying. That New York is a war zone. That our friends and family are sick. But it does allow us space to make a choice in the midst of the chaos and show up for ourselves the best we can.
What does that actually look like for you?