The day before our session, all clients get a Call Strategy form where you’re asked to think about what has went well since we last talked, what has been challenging and what you want to get out of this weeks call.
One of my clients has been doing SO much growth (she even moved to California for her dream job during the pandemic) and today, closed out her updates with this: “I feel like I’m entering the “no bullshit” phase of life where I’m unapologetically and authentically myself as opposed to who I think others need/want me to be. I come first. Period.”
I paused when I read it and thought hell 👏 fucking 👏yes! YES. YES!!!!
This is why I do the work I do. This is why I work on myself so I can show up better for you. So you can show up for yourself every single day. So you can choose yourself and what you want over what everyone else wants for you. And so you have the courage to be totally you, in whatever way that looks. You get to be proud of you.