Many people come to me and say “I feel like I am in a Quarter Life Crisis”

Forbes, Google and Huffington Post all have fancy definitions for what they think that means – and you probably spent a ton of time on Google looking up those definitions, reading the articles and asking yourself – “wait – am I in a Quarter Life Crisis?”

If you made it this far, it is safe to assume that you may be in a Quarter Life Crisis. So what does that mean?

You may feel like you don’t know what you want, let alone who you are, worry you’re “not good at anything” and you’ll never find “your thing.” You may always think you’ll be happier in the next job, the next city or the next lover…and then you’re not…

Maybe you put yourself and your own needs on the backburner and tend to attract bad partners with bad habits

No matter what – you know not-so-deep inside you are meant for more….but you just don’t know what that is.

I’m here to tell you you’re right. You are meant to do whatever it is that you want to do. You are meant to feel alive, focused, and living your purpose.

You don’t have to start every Monday filled with regret (and a pounding headache from another unplanned Sunday Funday). You don’t have to keep saying you’ll get around to doing things that fill your soul  – taking that yoga class, going back to school, meal prepping, planning that big trip…

And you don’t have to feel like life is slipping you by and you have no control over how it all turns out. 

But here’s the good news…

You have control. You have agency. And if you don’t know what it is you want or how you want to feel – I can help you. 

You will walk away from our work together feeling like you are living a life you choose.

We will have a Clarity Call – a complementary 1×1 session – where we discuss everything going on for you, how it is manifesting in your life, how you feel about it, and how we end this Quarter Life Crisis will create the life you dream of. By the end of that call, you’ll know where we’re heading and how we will get there. 

For the entire month of March I’m offering complementary 45 minute coaching sessions in addition to the Clarity Call. Come to the call with one symptom of your Quarter Life Crisis and we will begin chipping away. You can sign up here!