All through my college (and many post-college) years, I did a lot of what I thought I should do because I thought it would make me feel proud…but it actually ended up running me into the ground.
All of the “good” stuff – a decent job that paid me enough to survive, teaching yoga classes around the city, friends who met up happy hour, a boyfriend. I looked like I had it together on the surface – all of it felt like shit inside.
I vividly remember waking up one day and thinking, “This can’t be life.” And yet, part of me always believed I’d find ‘it” – happiness, love, success (whatever that means) – in the next job, the next city or the next lover. Turns out, I was wrong.
After spending more time on the yoga mat, in therapist chairs, consulting with tarot card readers and perusing the self-help section of the bookstore, I got a flash of white hot truth: Happiness is created from the inside out, from DEALING WITH MY SHIT, not the other way around.
In order to finally feel “secure” in my life, I had to take a good, hard look at my insides, my motivations, my dreams, my desires and my darkness. I had to take ownership of Jessica. ALL of Jessica.
Which meant? I had to clean up my life – mentally, emotionally and socially. I had to say goodbye to ALL of the ways I was letting myself down – cigarettes, alcohol, avoiding, overspending, over-planning and then ditching, just to name a few. 😉
And that’s when things started to turn around for me.
And that’s what I want to help you do. I want to help you look at your life – ALL OF IT – decide what needs to change, where you are in your own way and what you REALLY love right now. And give you the tools, guidance, support and SPACE to figure out what you want, from the inside out.
If you are ready to stop avoiding and start living, book a complementary Clarity Call with me. This is no strings attached — just a way for you and I to connect and see if Coaching can help you exactly where you are.