As many of you know, my daughter is entering Kindergarten in September and I am feeling a lot of feelings! I’ve taken a week and a half off at the end of the month to catch up on some to-do’s for my business before the school year and spend some time with my daughter.
I will be away from August 20 – August September 1 with some openings.
I will be taking clients on the morning of Friday, August 26 and the morning of Tuesday August 30th. My schedule will be back to normal starting September 2. If you want to reserve time now, please let me know and we can book ahead 🙂 If you usually meet with me on Tuesdays, you can trust that I’ve reserved the time we usually have for our call.
Otherwise, we will book out to September 🙂
If you are looking to book a Clarity Call with me, you still can! Use this link to schedule out a call.
Thank you! If you have any questions please feel free to ask: jessica (at)